Make sure to walk up to the top and have a coffee. A secret hidden gem in Munich.
Paul Tran
6 years ago
Very rich museum from a important person of German/Munich culture.
Tomas Schweizer
5 years ago
Best Valentin musäum in town. Bring your parents if you re 99 years old to get 50% entry fee off...
Milan Mann
5 years ago
A Munich classic. If you know Karl Valentin, a must go. Interesting exhibition with a lot of insights.
Florian Offergelt
3 years ago
Very interesting tribute to Karl Valentin and the Volksänger of his era - similar to vaudeville in the USA. Definitely German only, however.
Ed Dunlap
7 years ago
Quirky museum offers interactive experience. ALL IN GERMAN though so maybe not suitable for English only speakers.
Giorgio Manzi
4 years ago